How Does Spray Foam Control Indoor Air Quality and Comfort?
Spray Foam creates an air-tight sealed thermal envelope. When spray applied, the liquid rapidly expands as a foam 20 to 30 times it’s original size conforming to and filling in every single nook, cranny, crevice, hole, crack, and gap. With Spray Foam there are no fibers or loose matter to contaminate the interior air. By stopping exterior air infiltration, Spray Foam also stops dust and external pollutants from entering the building. As a Code Approved Vapor Barrier it also stops air movement or convection within the wall cavity, which eliminates moisture problems such as mold and mildew. Spray Foam does not contain bleach or formaldehyde nor does it emit any harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbons). A building sprayed with Spray Foam is also much quieter; it decreases the noise from both the exterior environment and interior mechanical systems. The end result is improved indoor air quality, and a healthier more comfortable building. This is why The American Lung Association uses Spray Foam Insulation for their “Health Homes” being built in the U.S.